Shannon Chester Psychotherapy

Health and Body in Mind

Shannon's Statement

I am a clinically trained psychoanalytic and psychodynamic psychotherapist with over 15 years experience working in mental health services with both adults and adolescents. Most recently I have worked in NHS services with both individuals and groups. I strive to offer a personalised and relational approach to psychotherapy, enabling you to work at your own pace, within a safe and secure therapeutic alliance with me. Initially I aim to take the time to understand you, and to hear you. Together we will think about your problems and what may be causing them, and consider what inner work is required to help you to move away from your distress. I will use our relationship to support you to explore your internal and external world and gain more self insight and awareness. I am passionate about helping people to connect with themselves and the world around them in order to move out of feelings of shame, fear and anger that often leads us to feeling unhappy, stuck, and unable to move forwards. Psychotherapy can help us to understand our true nature, needs and desires. It can support us to know how events in life- particularly early years and traumatic events have impacted the way we feel, and how we relate to ourselves and to others. When we have not has an experience of receiving what we needed to process feelings healthily, we can resort to shutting off, avoiding and repressing what is painful. The feelings that have been unaddressed and unresolved can cause us distress and difficulties that lead us to unhealthy strategies of coping. Understanding what unconscious feelings and motivations underpin symptoms and behaviours can bring about symptom relief and help to create space to grow and to move forward and change. My core values in my practice of psychotherapy is to practice with transparency with my clients; in how I work, and my intentions within this work. I work from a place of deep respect for anyone who finds their way into therapy to think about themselves. I am clinically and vigorously trained as a psychotherapist and therefore I strive to deliver my services with a quality of excellence and high professionalism. I adhere to a strong code of ethics and conduct both within my registration body, and personally - I am told that these values come through by those I work with.

Shannon's career

Shannon was aware from a young age that she had a passion working with people. After being awarded a psychology degree, she intuitively began a clinical masters in psychotherapy. Alongside her clinical training, Shannon worked full-time in child and adolescent services (CAMHS). This provided a wealth of experience in supporting young people in crisis, along with their families. This work combined with clinical theory and training in psychotherapy gave Shannon a solid foundation- becoming knowledgeable and skilled in thinking about attachment patterns, the development of self through relationships, and understanding the impact of relational dynamics within families and groups. She became well trained in the management and understanding of deliberate self-harm and suicidal tendencies, and in thinking about the meaning of these behaviours with clients. After being awarded her masters in psychotherapy, Shannon was in touch with the benefits of her yoga practice, which had aided her in self-reflection, self-awareness, and in nervous system regulation. She felt curious about the connection between mind and body, and in particularly, the way that the body can express, or become a canvas for the mind when feelings are not processed and trauma is left untended to. Shannon is now a qualified and insured yoga instructor registered with the yoga association. Shannon has found that yoga can be a complementary addition to psychotherapy. Allowing movement and expression from the body to be more conscious can enhance the process and has many health benefits. Yoga is a wonderful tool for growing connection to the self, and awareness of what the mind and body needs. It also helps with nervous system regulation and becoming aware of our bodies signals to particular triggers and stressful events. For those who prefer to work with the body in a more practical way, rather than talking therapy, 1-1 yoga can be very beneficial and enlightening.

1-1 Individual Psychotherapy

Psychoanalytic-psychodynamic psychotherapy is talking therapy which involves the client or patient, and the psychotherapist. These are weekly 50 minute sessions that occur usually on the same day and time each week which helps to provide structure and containment. Psychotherapy is client led, meaning that the client brings what is on their mind each week to be explored, understood and processed. Psychotherapy is often a longer-term treatment of a minimum of 6 months onwards to allow space and time for deep inner work. MBT Shannon became an advanced practitioner in Mentalisation Based Therapy (MBT) and now offers this treatment outside of the NHS. MBT can be delivered as a group therapy or within individual sessions, and is a combination of psycho-education and therapy. It aims to address specifically, difficulties in relationships, impulsivity, problems with self-harm and suicidal behaviours within the context of relationships. Psychotherapy is very effective at providing a sense of holding and containment for those working through difficult feelings and painful issues in life. It can enable deep connection and inner change which is often felt long after the therapy has ended.

Group work

In recent years Shannon has been in the NHS facilitating groups for people with complex emotional difficulties, trauma and personality disorders. Working in groups to connect, relate and learn about ourselves can feel enlivening, rich and immensely thought provoking. Shannon is happy to be able to offer group work within her own service and is proud that this will now be more accessible.

Services and Fee's

Assessment appointments are offered initially, these are 90 minute talking appointments set at a rate of £90. The assessment for psychotherapy includes thinking about early experiences and making sense of how the past may affect us in the present, thinking about significant events in life that may have impacted the way we feel and manage, and exploring patterns that may be reoccurring. I will aim to share with you my thoughts on how we could work together, or other recommendations as to what will be helpful within the appointment. Sessional Fee's Psychotherapy is offered on a weekly basis mostly, some people may opt for twice weekly should this feel needed. The appointments are structured as 50 minute sessions that are the same day and time each week. The fee for each appointment currently sits at £70, although there are concessional rates which can be discussed upon enquiry. Group Fee's Group therapy relies upon each member of the group adhering to an agreed contract that they will attend weekly for an agreed amount of time, usually a group therapy will last a minimum of one year to 18 months. Due to the nature of groups there may be a waiting time whilst a group is collated and formed, the fee for attending a group is lower than an individual sessional fee for each individual. Please request details of groups that may be suitable for you upon enquiry. Yoga Fee's For individual yoga sessions there will be set fees that will be agreed depending on frequency and location. Please enquire via email. Current locations for these services are Whitstable, Hythe, Ashford and Zoom